
Quote of the Day

­­­­­­1.2 million American soldiers have died in defense of our democracy.

Don’t let Donald J. Trump steal it! Vote Blue!

Welcome to my website! For who I am and what I’m not—please go to “About” for my Biography.

I will tell you I’m a self-made Author – Historian – and Writer based on three books I’ve written (almost done with my fourth), hundreds of various articles on a wide range of topics, and a few thousand quotes of the political and religious variety. I have become what some have described—a social influencer.

Ivan P Kovak.com policies will allow you to make comments on any article, quote, or comment you may like, or dislike posted to this site.

However! Under no circumstance will foul language, threats, or threatening pictures of any kind—be tolerated!

This site shall respect the rights of anyone to be allowed to express his or her opinion (in the comment box at the bottom of the page) on controversial material (within reason) that will be posted to this site from time to time.

Cheers and Welcome

Ivan Peter Kovak

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